The DATA for GOOD Products

DATA for GOOD Foundation is actively working on the following products.

  • CONSENT-as-a-service
  • DATA-as-a-service
  • ANALYTICS-as-a-service


DATA for GOOD’s CONSENT-as-a-service differs from the market by being created for a future where consent will be used more actively to obtain external data. This can be health, financial or behavioural data, in order to improve knowledge and services for the company and customer.

Choosing our consent today indicates that you as a company are at the forefront of the EU's current and future legislation on the protection of individual data security. At the same time, it will give the company knowledge about how to use the technology of the future in practice. It will create opportunities to develop new knowledge about contexts, anonymisation, the use of synthetic data etc.

DATA for GOOD’s CONSENT-as-a-service has the basic functions of registration and de-registration. Also an overall overview of the consents associated with the DATA for GOOD future-proof technology and governance that can be used to obtain external data (including health data) within the EU's future legislation to protect the individual's data security.


Data-as-a-service is Content-as-a-service with an organisations internal data added to the setup. DATA for GOOD ensures that data can be obtained (via the consent) in internal silos, and from there it will be anonymized within the organisation, but visible to the user.

The organisation collects and sends data to the DATA for GOOD platform when the individual wants an overview. This ensures data is in ONE place, and only used as needed.

Data-as-a-service ensures that calculations can be made on data anonymously. Synthetic data can be created which can increase organisations' knowledge of new contexts.


This service is the final building block added to the platform. DATA for GOOD ensures that data can be obtained (via the consent and GDPR art. 20 Data portability) from external data sources.

External data include tax data, health data, exercise data, shopping data and much more.

Some APIs are open (i.e exercise data), others must be negotiated (i.e. tax information) API access must be obtained from these external data sources.

Calculations can be made on this data anonymously. Synthetic data can be created that can increase companies' knowledge of new contexts, based on given consent.
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