DATA for GOOD has developed a neutral platform infrastructure that offers the possibility to connect citizens, companies, and public organizations in a digital ecosystem where data can be shared under the control of the individual citizen enabling new digital services for citizens and value-creating new insights.

If you are interested in our mission please follow the link below to stay updated!


Unleash the Potential of Data

DATA for GOOD believes that the individual citizen should be the locus of control in the increasingly expanding data economy. We believe that empowering the individual as a gatekeeper in the data economy will help (re-)establish trust in data sharing and motivate individual citizens to share more of their data with projects, organizations and institutions with legitimate interests in this data - and thereby help create valuable insights and solve critical societal challenges.

In collaboration with trusted partner organisations, we have developed the DATA for GOOD Platform. With this platform researchers  and analysts can get access to valuable insights derived  from accumulated data without ever accessing the actual  raw input data. This is achieved by means of the encryption protocol Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC). With MPC it is possible to combine and compute encrypted, anonymised and distributed data.

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The GDPR Compliant Data Partnership

For the individual

At DATA for GOOD we believe that the individual should be the in charge of their own data in this dynamic data economy. That is, data generated by the individual should only be shared if the individual citizen provides an explicit and informed consent. A consent that at anytime can be edited or withdrawn.

With the use of DATA for GOOD one can at anytime get an overview of their consents,  give or withdraw these and be part of a greater partnership between customer and organisations/businesses.

Most importantly, the DATA for GOOD platform functions as the neutral intermediary that ensures your data will always  be anonymous and never sold or exploited.

For the organisation

When getting informed consent from an organisations own customers or clients to store and analyse their data, organisations can also achieve a greater consent to utilise its internal data and to a customised extend, include external data.

With the DATA for GOOD platform, the organisation and its customers form this data partnership where the organisation will achieve a greater amount of data to research and analyse new connections, discover new opportunities and improve the overall insights to meet customers best.

All is done in alignment with the EU’s GDPR laws of personal data protection. GDPR compliance is incorporated in the DATA for GOOD's platform - the individual has control over data and their anonymity while the organisation is left with valuable data results without sensitive information.


The DATA for GOOD Products

The DATA for GOOD products originate - and are build upon - the GDPR framework, in addition to the upcoming new EU personal data regulations. Businesses and organisations can rest assured that the personal data they hold is always in compliance with the regulations. It is a simple and responsible new way of acquiring and utilising data for new insights, research, development and understandings.

The user will always be able to see their consent and choose the degree of anonymisation, along with ensuring what data a provider can use and in what form. Data can never be sold or used in any other way that deviates from DATA for GOOD’s mission.


CONSENT-as-a-service differs from the market by being created for a future where consent will be used more actively to obtain external data. Read more...


DATA-as-a-service ensures that data can be obtained (via consent) in internal silos, from there anonymized within the company, but visible to the user. Read more...


ANALYTICS-as-a-service ensures that data can be obtained (via consent and GDPR art. 20 Data portability) from external data sources. Read more...

The DATA for GOOD Projects

The DATA for GOOD platform has been developed - and is still being developed - in the context of a number of grand scale public-private R&D projects on privacy-preserving data exchange. Currently DATA for Good is part of two Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). These are the CRANE and CareMatrix projects.

The closed projects that DATA for GOOD has been part of are the Hedax project (Health Data Exchange) and the Blockdap project (Blockchain, Data and Privacy in Healthcare).


CRANE is a European project that seeks to maximize the potential of data to target wide-ranging treatment of chronic diseases in the rural areas. Read more...


CareMatrix is a PCP project for integrated care solutions designed to challenge the health market to develop innovative technology for People with Multimorbidity (PMM). Read more...


In the HEDAX project the platform is currently being used to facilitate the donation of health data from cancer patients to researchers in a test set-up. Read more...

DATA for GOOD Support Network

DATA for GOOD Foundation has established a support network for companies and organisations who wants to support the development of our citizen centred and privacy preserving platform and our work to promote individual data control. As a member of the support network you will help us raising the ethical standards for data handling and building a data infrastructure that makes it possible to activate and combine various types of data for common good purposes.

If you are interested in supporting our work, please get in touch!

Members of the support network

DFG Partner Logos

Data for Good Foundation is a MyData Operator

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Data for Good Foundation was awarded with a MyData Operator Certificate once again in March 2023.

The MyData Operator Award recognises personal data companies that have shown leadership by providing human-centric solutions that empower individuals to manage their personal data. The MyData Operator Awards are the gold standard for ethical data intermediaries.

Visit MyData Global for more information.

Who is behind the DATA for GOOD Foundation?

DATA for GOOD is established as foundation with a non-profit purpose. The foundation is run by a board, a small administration unit and by a network of volunteers.



Annemette Broch - Founder of DATA for GOOD Foundation

Sam Gilbert - Entrepreneur and author of 'Good Data: An Optimist's Guide to Our Digital Future'.

Bjørn Frantz Verwohlt - Former Head of Marketing, Topdanmark

Henriette Rald - CEO, Rald & Co, strategic communication

Michael Gorm Madsen - Chairman of the board, Partner, Bird & Bird, legal advisor

Management and Administration

Annemette Broch - Head of Operations.

Kristian Johnsen – Strategy & Partnerships

Katrine Verwohlt - Project Assistant

Kristine Bay - Project Coordinator

Christel Conrad - Head of Product & Customer Success


Become part of the DATA for GOOD network already now where you and your company will get the newest knowledge, best practices, network with like-minded people, participate in experience groups, get invited to workshops and webinars, experience new business opportunities and much more.

  • Newest knowledge on data economy, challenges and opportunities
  • How to best handle consents/data
  • Best practice and learning from the experiences of other organisations
  • Network groups (Data, CSR, Top management)
  • Invitation to workshops and webinars
  • Credibility by collaborating with an independent foundation as well as the opportunity for branding


You can take control of your own data and its use by becoming a BETA-tester member and supporting the good cause.

DATA For GOOD is based on individual data control and makes it possible, in compliance with GDPR and EU legislation, to promote value creation and the sharing of data to create insights for citizens and the organizations.

DATA For GOOD ensures the following.

  • Privacy and trust in sharing your data
  • Always based on citizens' consent
  • Enables new digital services for citizens
  • Value-creation through new insights thanks to linked data


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